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Upward price pressure from the impact of potential Russian uranium sanctions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this InvestorIntel interview, Tracy Weslosky talks with Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.‘s (CSE: WUC | OTCQX: WSTRF) President, CEO, and Director George Glasier about possible causes of the recent upward pressure on uranium prices and his views on the current uranium market.

George comments about the potential impacts of banning Russian uranium. He states: “The sanction on Russian uranium is in the works right now….the market is saying that it is likely to happen….over a period of time that will cause demand for uranium to switch from Russian and Kazakhstan likely to non-Russian, non-Kazakhstan uranium….it’s going to take a higher price to justify this non-Russian, non-Kazakhstan production.”

George gives his view on where the uranium price is likely to go in the next 2 years. He also discusses Western Uranium & Vanadium’s Sunday Mine production potential. When combined with the Company’s other project, total uranium production is targeted to produce ~2 million pounds of uranium per year over a 20+ years period.

To access the full InvestorIntel interview, click here

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About Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. is a Colorado-based uranium and vanadium conventional mining company focused on low-cost near-term production of uranium and vanadium in the western United States, and the development and application of kinetic separation.

To learn more about Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp., click here.

Disclaimer: Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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